Here is a link to the current NDAA proposals affecting military justice.
Random selection of court members. Remaining prosecutorial for covered offenses removed from CA. Expand the number of covered offenses. A review of Titling actions.
Nathan Freeburg
12/7/2022 03:18:02
What I can’t tell from this is whether the intent is to resolve some of the remaining tension between the commander and prosecutor with regard to covered offenses. A notable one is PTC. My understanding is that as currently constituted the command will retain PTC authority — which theoretically serves as a forcing function with regard to preferral and referral and could bind the hands of prosecutors (this is more than theoretical when it comes to Marine commanders). This isn’t really an issue, generally speaking, with the Army as PTC decisions are usually made at the GCMCA level with SJA concurrence. But in the more decentralized services there is at least the possibility of an O-5 commander mucking with a covered offense prosecution by placing the service member in PTC.
12/7/2022 09:50:51
Tami Mitchell
12/7/2022 20:09:36
I'm interested in Section 548, precluding the Army from using $$ to move its CIDSAC course from Ft. Leonard Wood, MO.
12/7/2022 21:07:09
There are those of us who remember when BRAC was a big deal. At the time it was proposed that the NJS and AF school be consolidated at TJAGSA. Lot's of cost savings and better efficiency.
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