United States v. MendozaThe issue in Mendoza has been brewing for some time. You have a three-judge majority with the two other judges each concurring and dissenting in part. All five agree with the principle that Congress created separate ways to violate Article 120 and they shouldn't be conflated. Under the theory that JW did not consent to the act, the Government charged Appellant with sexual assault in violation of Article 120(b)(2)(A), Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 10 U.S.C. § 920(b)(2)(A) (2018).1 Notably, the Government did not charge Appellant with a sexual assault under Article 120(b)(3)(A), UCMJ, which would have required the Government to prove both that Appellant committed a sexual act on JW when JW was incapable of consenting to the sexual act due to impairment by any drug, intoxicant, or other similar substance and that Appellant knew or should have known that JW was incapable of consenting. At trial, the Government presented evidence of JW’s extreme intoxication and argued to the military judge sitting alone both that JW would not have consented to sexual intercourse with Appellant and that she was incapable of consenting to sexual intercourse due to her high level of intoxication. Sparks, J., concurring and dissentingI join part II(B)(1) of the majority opinion because I agree with the majority that Article 120(b)(2)(A), UCMJ, and Article 120(b)(3)(A), UCMJ, create separate theories of criminal liability. 10 U.S.C. § 920 (2018). The majority acknowledges, correctly in my opinion, that “[t]he Government’s approach—which conflated two different and inconsistent theories of criminal liability—raises significant due process concerns.” United States v. Mendoza, __ M.J. __, __ (3) (C.A.A.F. 2024). And I am in complete agreement with the majority that: what the Government cannot do is charge one offense under one factual theory and then argue a different offense and a different factual theory at trial. Doing so robs the defendant of his constitutional “right to know what offense and under what legal theory he will be tried and convicted.” Id. at __ (13) (quoting United States v. Riggins, 75 M.J. 78, 83 (C.A.A.F. 2016)). The majority even goes so far as to explain that in this case “[t]he military judge may have convicted Appellant of sexual assault on the theory that JW was incapable of consenting without the Government proving that Appellant knew or should have known that she was incapable.” Id. at __ (12-13). Again, I agree. It is in deciding where we go from this point that the majority and I disagree. Instead of finding that the evidence is legally insufficient or that Government violated Appellant’s due process right to fair notice by arguing an uncharged factual and legal theory of liability at trial and testing the error for prejudice, the majority instead concludes that the appropriate remedy in this case is to remand the case to the United States Army Court of Criminal Appeals (ACCA) for a new legal and factual sufficiency review in which the ACCA can explain “how or why the evidence of JW’s intoxication factored into its analysis.” Id. at __ (3). With this I cannot agree. Maggs, J., concurring and dissenting in partI concur with the Court’s interpretation of Article 120(b)(2)(A), Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 10 U.S.C. § 920(b)(2)(A) (2018). I disagree, however, with one aspect of the Court’s disposition of this appeal. Specifically, while the Court remands the case for both a new legal and factual sufficiency review, I would hold that the evidence is legally sufficient and remand solely for a new factual sufficiency review. I therefore respectfully concur in part and dissent in part.
Nathan Freeburg
10/8/2024 19:29:48
This is going to create some trailers. Will also affect chargesheets immediately. Charging 120s in the alternative will be back. As will be significant spillover implications for panel deliberations on chargesheets in the alternative. TCs will have to be careful during closings and DCs and MJs will have to be paying close attention to the elements.
Donald G Rehkopf
10/9/2024 14:10:58
Perhaps this will "energize" defense counsel to be more aggressive at the Article 32, PH stage - especially if the government charges in the alternative. That, in many cases actually is to an accused's advantage because it gives rise to arguments, e.g., that (a) even the government can't figure out what happened here, and thus you have "reasonable doubt;" (b) the government is throwing mud against the wall and is hoping some will stick, that is not PRD; and (c) it justifies the aggressive use of Bills of Particular [RCM 906(b)(6)].
Nathan Freeburg
10/9/2024 21:41:02
The key question is whether the charges in the alternative are inconsistent or simply require different (or more or less) elements but are not inherently contradictory. Case dependent I think.
10/11/2024 17:29:35
Stupid layperson question. Why not charge under 120(b)(3)(A)? And why double down on what appears to be a harder fight? It's not a life vs death penalty charging decision, seems like the government could have gotten the same sentence and the 120(b)(3)(A) looked like a pretty strong case to me without all of this hassle.
Trial Counsel
10/13/2024 14:19:46
The Pease standards make charging under 120(b)(3)(A) very difficult. The legal standard for too intoxicated to consent is much higher than the societal standard.the fact that she was conscious when she entered the room (even though the evidence shows she was pretty drunk) means the Government is not winning under 120(b)(3)(A).
Tami a/k/a Princess Leia
10/16/2024 22:40:13
@Trial Counsel, the services are still training that way. In fact, a recent SHARP training that I'm aware of goes along the line of "always ask for permission to do something before you do it, because then you're guaranteed to not be accused of sexual assault." And the rate of "false" accusations has allegedly dipped to less than 1%. Which we all know (at least those of us who've been practicing for a while and not subject to indoctrination) is baloney.
Tami a/k/a Princess Leia
10/16/2024 22:36:41
Because "black out drunk sex" isn't a crime, no matter what the Government, or the SHARP police, want to indoctrinate people into thinking. Comments are closed.
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